Border Patrol Outing

June 26-27, 2019

Richfield, OH

The Border Patrol had good weather for a patrol outing. The event was mainly to get together and have some fun. There was a light saber battle, trampoline acrobatics, xbox gaming, D&D, and even a movie. Although we didn't quite make it to the end of the movie after the plug mysterious became disconnected. We also had some pretty good meals prepared by members of the patrol with head chef Justin taking the lead. The outing finished with a patrol meeting where it was decided to rename the patrol to the Freedom Fighters. The new patrol yell is "Give Me Freedom or Give Me Death". Those attending were Ayden, Nick, Dominic, Mark, Sam, Justin, Mr. Makowski, and Mrs. Murrin.

Border Patrol Outing Photo Album

Supper Time

Good Food, Good Eats

Tent Camping

Hammock Central

Just Kickin Back

Breakfast Time

Fun on the Trampoline

Shhh... Scouts Sleeping